2008年10月16日 星期四


What to Expect: Online Fundraising 文中提到幾個注意事項,簡單明瞭,摘下來跟大家分享

1) Be creative when you ask - Our most successful fundraisers inspire and get donors excited to give by creating interesting fundraising events. They compete in endurance sports events, sell body parts (i.e, reserve space for a message on an arm or leg during a race in exchange for a donation), shave their beards, and give up birthday and wedding presents.

2) Consider asking for small amounts - Sometimes people don’t give because they don’t think giving a small amount will make a difference. Large donations are nice, but it is quite possible to meet a fundraising goal with small donations from a lot of people. Ask specifically for $5 donations, for example, or even $1 donations.
鼓勵小額捐款~常常人們沒有捐是因為覺得自己那小小的捐款,不可帶來什麼改變。大額捐款當然很好,然而積沙成塔,許多人的參與也可能達成目標的,捐 50 捐100都很歡迎。

3) Make it personal - Make a clear and personal statement about why you are doing what you are doing. It helps people to get “on board” with you.

4) Publicize using social media - Get the word out about your fundraising via email, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Digg, StumbleUpon, etc. Use your networks!
透過各種社會媒體發佈~email, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Digg, StumbleUpon, 運用你所有的網絡。

5) Say “Thank you”!!! - This should be a no-brainer, and we can’t emphasize it enough. Follow up with a personal thank you by email, at the very least. Let your donors know you really appreciate them!
多說謝謝 ~謝謝永遠不嫌多,用email寄出你個人的感謝信力讓捐贈者接收到你誠意的感謝。

更多訊息可參考:Fundraising Tips and Tricks: Make the Most of your Personal Fundraising Page

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